I decided to blog all my crazy, weird dreams. I usually find them funny, sometimes disturbing, whatever. They're here for your entertainment. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mon 7/26 - Tue 7/27

I don't remember much about this one, just that I was wearing some skimpy Jack Sparrow costume at a country club & the owners of the last company I worked for were there. One of the owners & I had handguns, and mine was much larger than his. We were shooting holes into the top of a post on a bannister that had the knob-thing broken off. The bullets were wood & looked like the little wooden pegs used to put together do-it-yourself furniture. His sunk deeper than mine, despite me having a larger gun. That sounds mildly perverse, but I'm pretty sure it was not sexual in nature. Can't remember much more than that.

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